Monday, March 9, 2015

Senate Republicans Unconstitutionally Conducting Own Foreign Policy

Oh, look at what those responsible Republicans- ready- to- govern are up to in the Senate:

All but seven Republican senators have signed on to an open letter to Iran warning that as soon as President Obama leaves office, Republicans will undo any nuclear deal he might enter into with Iran:
Organized by freshman Senator Tom Cotton and signed by the chamber's entire party leadership as well as potential 2016 presidential contenders Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, the letter is meant not just to discourage the Iranian regime from signing a deal but also to pressure the White House into giving Congress some authority over the process. 
“It has come to our attention while observing your nuclear negotiations with our government that you may not fully understand our constitutional system … Anything not approved by Congress is a mere executive agreement,” the senators wrote. “The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time.”
Fresh from trying to de-stabilize the nuclear deal by partnering with a foreign government (the odious Israeli Prime Minister Bibi "Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu), Republicans are now working the other side of the diplomatic street, trying to signal to the Iranian government that any deal may not be a deal after all.  And, leave it to these Republican Konstitushional Skolars, they don't really understand how the Constitution works.  They also have likely never read the Logan Act.  Perhaps someone should read pertinent parts to them, while they're standing in the dock in a courtroom.

Stupid and malicious - just the right mix for a Republican.  That Sen. Tom "Ear to Ear" Cotton (Yahoo-AR) was behind this is not surprising -- he's a scary loon's loon, or as Digby has dubbed him, "Sarah Palin with a Harvard degree."

Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid had it right when he said on the floor of the Senate, "Republicans are undermining our Commander-in-Chief while empowering the Ayatollahs." More, please!

Because, treason patriots!

UPDATE:  Here's what President Obama had to say (and why the Administration likely won't pursue the violation of the Logan Act angle):
“I think it is somewhat ironic to see some members of Congress wanting to make common cause with the hard-liners in Iran. It is an unusual coalition. I think what we’re going to focus on is actually seeing whether we can get a deal or not. And once we do, then we’ll — if we do, then we’ll make the case to the American people, and I’m confident we’ll be able to implement it.”

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