Monday, March 23, 2015

The Wacko Bird Takes Off

Kenyan Canadian-born uber wingnut Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz has announced his bid for the 2016 Republican nomination in a Twitter message followed by a video released early this morning.  Later today, Tailgunner Ted will appear at Jerry Falwell's monument to ignorance and intolerance, Liberty University, before a captive audience (indeed, attendance is mandatory for all students) to fling his far-right monkey poo.

The freshman Texas senator, whose main claim to fame is his mindless and destructive obstruction of Government, seeks to head the Government he's tried to shut down on several occasions.  That has drawn the ire of crusty neocons like Sen. John McAngry (R-Dang Fence), who referred to Tailgunner Ted as a "wacko bird," and the concern of corporate Rethugs who just want to keep the corporate tax loophole grift going.  Tailgunner Ted's tactics and rhetoric harken back to the Joseph McCarthy era of witch hunts and outrageous slander against political opponents.

With his support among Rethuglican voters languishing under 5%, we don't give Tailgunner Ted much of a chance with the likes of Dr. Ben "On Meds?" Carson, Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum and Gov. Piyush "Bobby" Jindal competing with him for the love of the party's tinfoil hat base.  Nevertheless, we welcome Tailgunner Ted's overt extremism as a billboard for today's Rethuglican/New Confederate/Stupid Party, and hope he goes long into the nomination sweepstakes before flopping.

BONUS:  California Gov. Jerry Brown is having none of Tailgunner Ted's climate change denialism, calling him "unfit to be running" for office.

(photo: AP/Jim Cole)

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