Monday, March 2, 2015

Walker's Backflip On Immigration

Wisconsin's dimbulb Governor and Koch Industries' employee of the year Scott "Kochhead"Walker continues to show that, although the wingnuts at CPAC love his schtick, he's not ready for prime time.  Yesterday, on GOP-TV the Fux Network, he was confronted with his statement made just two years ago that there should be a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.  It seems that the Governor has seen the far-right light, and now says that his "view has changed."  Now, the slippery Governor wants to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants an "immigration system that works," despite the fact that Congressional Rethugs have blocked every attempt to pass comprehensive immigration reform -- border security, bringing immigrants out of the economic shadows and giving them an opportunity to become citizens.

This certainly won't be Kochhead's last flip-flop while the nativist Rethuglican base sizes up the candidates for 2016, but it's certainly one of the most egregious.

(photo:  "You like that answer better?")