Thursday, April 2, 2015

100% Cotton

Yesterday on CNN, Arkansas Sen. and Iranian mullah pen pal Tom "Ear to Ear" Cotton had some wisdom to share with us on the backlash against Rethuglican anti-LGBT legislation:
"But I also think it's important that we have a sense of perspective about our priorities. In Iran, they hang you for the crime of being gay."
Hmmm, "our priorities." So, gay folks, just be thankful we're not hanging you yet for "the crime of being gay," and second, let's bomb Iran and save them the trouble of hanging gays.  A message from your current Rethuglican "star."

BONUS:  Pop star Miley Cyrus is urging her fans to call Ear to Ear's Senate office to, in her words, "stir some shit up" over his homophobic attitude.  Heh heh heh.

(Photo: "The Metternich of the Ozarks" h/t Charles Pierce)

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