If you want a snapshot of the disconnect between the Beltway Republican-wired Conventional Wisdom and, uh, reality, read this upbeat take on Sen. "Ayn" Rand Paul's (Dudebro-KY) campaign kickoff by one of the
You might have heard that Rand Paul has officially entered the presidential race.
"I have a vision for America," the GOP senator from Kentucky said, kicking off his campaign in Louisville on Tuesday. "I want to be part of a return to prosperity."
The announcement surprised no one since Paul has made clear for the better part of the past two years that he was going to run for president in 2016. But his announcement is a nice peg to try to answer this key question: Can he actually win?
The answer, I think, is yes -- although to do so Paul would not only need to overcome a crowded and talented field of rivals but also be on the leading edge of a transformation of the Republican Party, the likes of which we haven't seen in more than three decades. (our emphasis)"...talented field of rivals"?? What passes for talent to an untalented hack, that is.
"Can he actually win?" [Pause for sustained and raucous laughter.] Well, he can "win the morning" with the likes of Cillizza and the Politic-ho crowd. Otherwise, not so much.
Paul's "vision" for America apparently doesn't include "eductation" or basic proofreading skilz by his crack, libertarian campaign team. And this clown wants to abolish the U.S. Department of Education (that's how it's spelled, Dudebro). Freedumb!
Now for the reality portion of our program:
BONUS: You can get more reality here.
BONUS II: Dudebro also gets testy with uppity women who ask about his flip-flopping.
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