"It's out there!"
Working hand-in-hand, the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party and their eager minions in the media are busy flogging the latest nasty meme regarding Hillary Clinton: she's untrustworthy! Failed CEO, Senate candidate and person- who- will- never- be- President Carly "Snarly" Fiorina was the latest to use the meme in remarks to a megachurch full of Republican hayshakers in Waukee, Iowa:
Hillary Clinton cannot be president of the United States because she is not trustworthy.Fiorina, on the other hand, can be trusted to do for America what she did for Hewlett-Packard.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince "Prepuce" Priebus, the "Emptiest suit in America" (h/t Charles Pierce), also has tried, in a characteristically less-than-effective attack, this time on "Face the Nation:"
Priebus:... [I]f you look at the facts of the scandal that surrounds her, you look at the facts of the recent polling -- where a majority of people in battleground states say that she is untrustworthy -- when you look at the fact she has 100 percent name recognition --Umm... yeah. If you go to that link, you'll find Priebus called out on the claim. Oh, and by the way, Hillary Clinton is still kicking the ass of every one of the Republican Clown Car candidates. That's the real poll.
Schieffer: A majority --
Priebus: -- majority of the people polled in Colorado, Virginia, Iowa, Florida, said she is untrustworthy.
But, see? It's now "out there" for what passes as the nonpartisan political press to run into the ground. So, not to be outdone in Hillary-bashing, in his "The Monday Fix," the ever-reliable Chris "The Lizard" Cillizza, (ass)crack political tout for the
Our relationship [with Israel] will be better in the next administration, just as soon as Israel makes a generous donation to the Clinton Foundation.... (yukyuk) then tells us (via Aaron Blake and Hunter Schwarz) that the "best thing that happened to Republicans" last week was (no link):
The "Clinton Cash" story got more serious [ed. note: only to the voices in your head]... These stories are complex and there's no proven quid pro quo, but they reinforce emerging questions about Clinton's trustworthiness..."That's a pretty good example of how right-wing bullshit gets loose in the American political bloodstream. First, Cillizza's paper makes a deal with the right-wing hack that produced "Clinton Cash," then it puts its "journalists" on the non-existent trail of the non-evidence, promoting the bullshit all the while, then saying, gee, now that it's "out there," we're duty bound as "journalists" to cycle it over and over until we're given the next meme from the right-wing bullshit machine.
The endless auditioning by Republican candidates by billionaires Sheldon Adelson, the Koch brothers and others? Nothing to see there, move along!
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