Monday, April 13, 2015

Wee Willie's Proposal

Neocon hack and cheerleader for both Sarah "Winky" Palin and the disastrous Iraq war Bill "Wee Willie" Kristol had this to say on yesterday's "This Week" program on ABC:
"If they get to nominate Hillary Clinton, why don't we get to nominate Dick Cheney? I mean, he has a much -- he has a much better record…"
Wee Willie's opinion was met with hearty laughter from the other panelists.  "Better record?" The Dick has a better record at being wrong about everything, which is Wee Willie's specialty, too.  For a person who left office with a 13% approval rating, we'd support Wee Willie's suggestion that The Dick be the Rethug nominee, but only if he picks Winky Palin as his running mate.

(photo:  Wee Willie samples an unsolicited pie at a speaking engagement several years ago.)

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