Friday, May 29, 2015

Armed Bikers At A Mosque. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Armed bikers and assorted nut bags are going to assemble outside of a mosque in Phoenix, Arizona today to threaten and insult the Muslim worshipers as they come and go.  The cretin that's organizing the "event" is a former Marine who served in Iraq and is selling "F*ck Islam" t-shirts and displaying cartoons of Muhammad, which should go over well.  When interviewed by Anderson Cooper, organizer Jon Ritzheimer said the "core values of Islam is what I really hate," claiming that just because he fought to prop up an Islamic government in Baghdad that doesn't mean he supports terrorism, having just said that Islam equals terrorism.  But the biggest howler from this confused bundle of PTSD was when he suggested that his violence-provoking event was meant to teach the worshipers at the mosque tolerance:
"No, I don't want war [against the world's Muslims], but they need to learn tolerance. We're not the ones out committing these acts. We're not the ones threatening anybody." (emphasis added)
The level of delusion is absolutely shocking.  Former CIA anti-terrorist official Philip Mudd tried vainly to point out to Ritzheimer that his actions were the ideal recruitment tool for al Qaeda and ISIS, a fact which the cretin accepted as if it were perfectly fine.  Somewhere, Crazy Pam Geller is cheering.

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