Saturday, May 2, 2015

Cures For "Hillary Anxiety"

Michael Tomasky diagnoses an ailment suffered by some progressives, known as "Hillary anxiety," and offers some cures:
So this isn’t about love. It’s about a deal between Clinton and liberals. It’s strictly business, and it’s about work. The work of maintaining Democratic control of the White House and keeping the loony right at bay for another four or eight years. The work of trying to move the country forward to a post-supply side economic paradigm. And, yeah, the work of electing our first woman president.
If you don’t love Hillary, let me offer you two things to love:
1. A liberal majority on the Supreme Court for the next 30, 40 years. ['nuff said -snip]
2. A coming civil war in the Republican Party, and the hope/prayer of a little moderation on its part. When a party loses two consecutive presidential elections, the losses can be chalked up to the appearance of a charismatic candidate and, then, the powers of his incumbency. But three; that’s when people have to start looking hard in the mirror. 
This all should be self-evident except to the most ideologically head- in- the- ass purists on the left.  We love Bernie Sanders.  He'll do good things in the primaries, notably raising and pounding on issues of economic inequality and a host of other topics favoring, and favored by, progressives.  But, he'll never take the nomination from Hillary Clinton.

So, if you have "Hillary anxiety," keep repeating "liberal majority on the Supreme Court," and "keep the loony right at bay" until the anxiety passes.

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