Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Republicans Pass Bill Burdening Victims Of Rape And Sexual Assault

They're at it again:
In a 242-184 vote, House Republicans passed their latest abortion ban, this one stopping the procedure at 20 weeks with the only exceptions—and they are limited exceptions—for rape and incest. Never mind the health of the mother, or the fetus. Never mind that most of the very, very few abortions conducted post-20 weeks are about the health—the lives—of both. The White House blasted the bill, reiterating a veto threat should the legislation ever make it through the Senate (it won't).
The White House response:
The Obama administration on Wednesday said it was "disgraceful" for House Republicans to push a late-term abortion ban bill that also puts up barriers for rape and sexual assault victims.
"It's disgraceful that House Republicans would be considering a party-line vote on legislation that would put additional burdens on survivors of rape and sexual assault," press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters hours before the House is scheduled to vote on a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks.
"The bill continues to add a harsh burden to survivors of sexual assault, rape and incest who are already enduring unimaginable hardship," he said.
They have extramarital encounters with college students and strippers (see below), but they put barriers up for victims of rape and sexual assault.  That's your Republican "ethos" right there.

(Image via Wonkette)

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