Saturday, May 30, 2015

Tailgunner Ted's Noxious Hypocrisy

Texas Republican Sen. and human-weasel hybrid Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz is well known for his loathing of Government.  He's tried to cut it down and shut it down whenever the opportunity arose in order to appeal to his radical right-wing teahadist base. He was notorious in 2013 for objecting to Federal disaster funds for Hurricane Sandy, which prompted fellow Republicans in New Jersey and New York to blast him.

When record flooding in the past two weeks devastated his state, Tailgunner Ted put aside his cynical small government "principles" and asked for Federal emergency relief funds.  Ah, sweet Gubmint redistribution of all that "Democrat" tax money from the coasts!  It would absolutely be fair play if the legislators in New Jersey and New York (not to mention Connecticut and other states affected by Sandy) would tell Tailgunner Ted to stick it where the rain doesn't fall.  But then, their idea of patriotism is probably different than Tailgunner Ted's, whose "patriotism" just extends as far as the Texas border and his speeches.

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