Wingnuts in Iowa had a chance to listen to a fusillade of scare speech from a number of the Republican / New Confederate / Stupid Party 2016 clown car yesterday, ranging from narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump's fear-the-Muslim-immigrant rant, to Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz's apocalyptic rhetoric about "dark and dangerous times." They know that their End of Times nuttery sells with the clueless teavangelical right in Iowa, so the more extreme the nonsense, the higher their poll numbers.
However, the winner of the Tinfoil Hat award for the day -- and it was a very close call -- goes to Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum, who had the following never-gonna-happen vision to share:
“An electromagnetic pulse over the state of Iowa could knock us back to the stone age. Worse, [at least] people in the stone age knew how to live in the stone age. We don’t.”Well, we'd give the wingnuts in Iowa more credit than that. Living in the stone age shouldn't be too much of a change for them, and anyway, Jesus rode dinosaurs, didn't he?
(photo: "Frothy Mix, " creating his own electromagnetic pulse.)
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