Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"You're A Lousy Governor, But Please Stay"

New Jersey Governor and head of New Jersey's Rethuglican crime family Chris "Krispykreme" Christie wants us to think his constituents love him sooo much that they're telling pollsters that he'd make a bad President just to keep him in Joisey.  A whopping 65% of New Jersey voters think Krispykreme would not make a good President, leading Krispykreme to assert in a jaw-dropping interview with Fux anchor-model Megyn Kelly that they just don't want to part with him.  Unfortunately for the angry Governor's spin, his approval rating among New Jersey voters is a dismal 38% with 56% disapproving of him.  As Kelly pointed out to the too-clever-by-half Krispykreme, the voters of New Jersey "know you the best, why shouldn’t we trust them?”  Indeed, we should trust them.

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