Sunday, June 7, 2015

Scott Walker Wants Constitutional Amendment Allowing State Bans On Same-Sex Marriage

The pygmy continues to embarrass himself and the State he (most unfortunately) represents:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) said Sunday that he supports a constitutional amendment that would bar the Supreme Court from granting marriage equality rights nationwide.
The Supreme Court is expected to issue a decision this month that could grant, for once and for all, same-sex couples the right to wed across the country. But Walker said on ABC's "This Week" that he would support amending the constitution to protect states that still want to ban same-sex marriage.
"I personally believe that marriage is between one man and one woman," Walker, a prospective GOP presidential candidate, said. "If the court decides that, the only next approach is for those who are supporters of marriage being defined as between one man and one woman is ultimately to consider pursuing a constitutional amendment."  (our emphasis)
A constitutional amendment denying rights to fellow Americans.  That sounds real good and completely in character, Scottie.  We'd be shocked if you weren't on the wrong side of (soon) the law, morality and history.  Maybe the Republicans could repeal the 14th (civil rights) and 15th (Black suffrage) Amendments while they're at it -  a Republican trifecta!

(Photo:  Gov. Scott "Koch Head" Walker - he has a Constitutional Amendment he'd like to sell you!)

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