Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Biggest Clown Of Them All Enters The Race (Updated)

This could be yooge!  The fondest dream of millions of Americans (mostly progressives) has come true!  Orange-haired turbo-bullshit four times bankrupted clown Donald "Rump" Trump is IN!  The Republican clown car, that is, and he's the biggest clown to enter so far:
Trump's announcement speech was a word salad of outrage (Mexican immigrants "bringing drugs, bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people"), fear-mongering (Iran is taking over Iraq "and they're taking it over bigly"), and self-promotion ("I beat China all the time").
All the talking points were present in unvarnished form—Obamacare bad, immigrants bad, other countries bad, economy bad, politicians bad (wonderful people who want Trump's support, but also apparently morons who won't speak the truth). Also present, major tangents about things like how President Obama would be welcome to play golf on a Trump-owned golf course.
Finally, he got down to it. "Our country needs a truly great leader and we need a truly great leader now. We need a leader that wrote the art of the deal." (Or The Art of the Deal.) And yes, that means that "Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again."
No one better epitomizes the clueless, blowhard, "beleaguered" Republican billionaire class better than Rump.  To have his big, ignorant mouth flapping as long as his bankroll will carry him is something Democrats could only dream about until now.  Rump's IN IT!  Let the jokes write themselves.

UPDATE:  Epic trolling from the Democratic National Committee:
Today, Donald Trump became the second major Republican candidate to announce for president in two days. He adds some much-needed seriousness that has previously been lacking from the GOP field, and we look forward to hearing more about his ideas for the nation.

UPDATE IICharles Pierce's take is right on:
He is the inevitable result of 40 years of political conjuring, mainly by Republicans, but abetted by far too many Democrats as well. He is the inevitable product of anyone who ever argued that our political institutions should be run "like a business." (Like whose businesses? Like Trump's? Like Carly Fiorina's Hewlett Packard?) He is the inevitable product of anyone who ever argued why the government can't balance its books "the way any American family would." He is the inevitable result of the deregulated economy that was deregulated out of a well-cultivated wonder and awe directed at the various masters of the universe. Sooner or later, all of this misbegotten magical thinking was going to burp up a clown like Donald Trump.
UPDATE III:  Our Silver Spring Bureau Chief beats us to it once again:  here's Onion's candidate profile of Rump.

UPDATE IV:  The New York Daily News weighs in (click on image to enlarge):

(Image:  Makeup not really needed.)


  1. Silver Spring Bureau ChiefJune 16, 2015 at 2:41:00 PM EDT

    Beat you to it this time!

  2. SSBC - No moss growing on you! Boo yah!
