You know when a political campaign's act isn't together from the start. For example, Donald "Rump" Trump's symbolic descent- on-an-escalator-among-paid-actors-posing-as-supporters entrance, followed by an extemporaneous rant about Mexicans and how great he is. Despite that mess, Rump's polling well among Rethug mouth breathers who want to be ruled by a wealthy authoritarian narcissist.
Then there's Louisiana's failed Gov. Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, whose strange roll out video was the subject of widespread derision. But it gets better with "Bobby," who needs to be the most reactionary and vitriolic wingnut in the Rethuglican sweepstakes just to get airtime, since he's hovering at 1 or 2 percent in the polls. So last week, after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage for all 50 states, "Bobby" had this Constitution-destroying suggestion:
"If we want to save some money let's just get rid of the court."From the political spectrum that wraps itself in the Constitution when it serves them, that should set off the hypocrisy alarm. But for "Bobby," it achieved the desired outcome: people are talking about it.
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