Thursday, July 16, 2015

Poll: Obamacare, Same-Sex Marriage Settled, So Move On

By fairly substantial margins, a new USA TODAY/ Suffolk University Poll shows that Americans believe that the Supreme Court has settled issues relating to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and same-sex marriage, with one dumbass segment of the population out of step:
By 52%-36%, those polled say officials who oppose the Affordable Care Act should take steps to improve the law but end efforts to repeal it, given the high court's decision rejecting its most serious legal challenge. But Republicans by more than 2-1, 63%-27%, say the campaign to overturn the law should continue.
On same-sex marriage, Americans by 51%-33% say local and state officials now should allow gay couples to wed in their jurisdictions even if they oppose gay marriage. On that, Republicans also tend to disagree: 49% say officials who oppose same-sex unions should take steps to resist the court's ruling and block them while 38% say they should allow them to take place.
The poll also shows Hillary Clinton maintaining a big lead over others in the Democratic field.

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