Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Winky's Low Blow

While some of his Rethuglican competitors line up to smack blowhard bigot Donald "Rump" Trump, others have chosen to mute their criticism or to decline to criticize his lunacy at all.  In the latter case, sociopathic radical Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz comes to mind as he licks his chops at the prospect of inheriting Rump's angry mob at some point.  Another, who's not even running for the nomination, is snowbilly grifter and quitter Sarah "Winky" Palin, grumpy Sen. John McCain's "gift" to American politics.

In her history of shivving people who have stood in her way politically or have crossed her, this has to be one of the more sorry examples.  In an e-mail to CNN's Rethuglican apologist Jake "Tippy" Tapper, Winky appeared to take no sides in the Rump - McCain dustup, before giving former mentor McCain a pointed dig over his comments that the immigrant haters were "crazies" (the term that set Rump off), and that Rump fellow traveler Tailgunner Ted was a "wacko bird" for shutting down the Government:
"Everywhere I go, hard-working patriotic Americans -- not 'crazies' or 'wacko birds' -- ask me to pass on to Mr. Trump encouragement to keep educating the masses about true ramifications of illegal immigration, and in general the real state of our union." (emphasis added)
That'll leave a mark on her former defender and booster.  Also, "keep educating the masses"?  Sounds elitist to us, Winky, if not a bit fascistic.  Winky's still very, very bitter about America's rejection of her in 2008, and, being the delusional narcissist that she is, can't bring herself to blame anyone but McCain and his staff for the loss.

BONUS:  Jon Stewart traces the Republican sociopathic id from Winky to Rump

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