Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Armed Thugs In The Streets Of Ferguson, MO !

Oh, they're white armed thugs.  "Oath Keepers." Five heavily armed ultra-right wing nullifiers.  There last night to protect the lives of innocent citizens "reporters" for ultra-right wingnut agitprop outlet "InfoWars."

Upon seeing them, they were immediately ordered by police to lay down their arms and leave the vicinity.  Haha no!  They were allowed to strut around a community with tiny penis compensators loaded weapons at a time of heightened tension to intimidate local residents.  And. No. One. Said. Boo.

Imagine, if you will, a group of heavily armed African Americans "guarding" the streets of Ferguson, MO.  What would the police and local authorities' response have been?  We think that brief exercise tells you all you need to know about what's going on here.

Welcome to post-racial America, y'all!  (h/t Little Green Footballs)