Saturday, August 15, 2015

Big Tent / Little Tent Cartoon of the Day

(click to enlarge)

The Beltway village media cognoscenti are a-Twitter these days, fascinated with mega-buffoon Donald "Rump" Trump, largely because he feeds them the kind of gutter-level sound bites that they live on.  He's the shiniest of shiny objects for them to observe, despite the fact that the crowds that Sen. Bernie Sanders attracts dwarf Rump's.  Yes, Rump can fill a ballroom with what Arizona Sen. John "McNasty" McCain called "crazies," but Sanders is filling arenas.

However, as the cartoon suggests, Rump could have five people show up at his rally, but as long as he hurls some vile statements, our broken media will be there in droves.

(cartoon:  Matt Wuerker, Politic-ho)

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