Monday, August 10, 2015

Budget Deficit Shrinking, Public Blissfully Ignorant

More information that will likely never penetrate the noodles of "average Americans" (thanks, "mainstream media"!):
The budget deficit for 2015 is expected to drop to roughly $425 billion, according to a report released Friday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
That’s down from the $486 billion the CBO projected in March.
If it drops to $425 billion by the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, it would be a seven-year low for the government’s annual budget shortfalls(our emphasis)
We would also note the utter lack of awareness of this trend (as noted by Steve Benen at MaddowBlog):
... The vast majority of Americans are absolutely certain -- thanks to deceptive Republican rhetoric and unfortunate news coverage -- that the deficit has soared in the Obama era. Late last year, a Bloomberg Politics Poll found that 73% of the public believes the deficit has gotten bigger over the last six years.
We expect Republicans to be running around, hair on fire, at every opportunity ludicrously screaming that the Obama administration is a "disaster" ("death panels!", Benghazi!!!, etc. ad nauseam).  We expect the right-wing media to provide a megaphone for their dishonesty.  Now we also expect the corporate "mainstream media" to continue either echoing Republican talking points or burying the "good news" stories somewhere where no one can be expected to look.  That's because the narrative can never be "This African-American Democratic President succeeded in bringing us back from the brink of economic collapse to economic recovery, while shrinking the deficit, while expanding affordable health care, while extracting us from Dumbya's wars."  No.  It must always be, "Yes, but he hasn't done enough (compromising/ schmoozing/ cutting/ etc.)."

Meanwhile, for the Beltway deficit hawks (=cough= Washington Post editorial board =cough=), there will be no credit given, nor any cessation in their demands for utterly wrong-headed "Grand Bargain "- style austerity to address a non-problem.  Go figure.

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