Thursday, August 27, 2015

Eyewitness News Cartoons of the Day

(click to enlarge)

The latest grisly "statement" by an armed, mentally disturbed person happened yesterday near Roanoke, VA when a reporter and her camera man were shot and killed during a live report by a former employee of their station, who accumulated grievances wherever he worked and finally exploded.

BONUS:  Grung_E_Gene has a broader perspective on gun violence, drugs, and white power.

(cartoons: top, Nick Anderson, center, Darrin Bell, bottom, Steve Breen)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug Hackwhackers. One need only turn on Faux News to see how the Gun debate is framed for right-wing consumption, BLACK BLACK BLACK.

    I hope Andy Parker, the father of the slain Allison Parker, is ready for the despicable evil to be heaped upon him in addition to his tragic loss. Conservative Gun Humping Fanatics will descend upon him like vultures.
