Monday, August 17, 2015

Jumping To Conclusions: One Hack's Form of Exercise

Beltway village hack and self-identified Republican Bob Woodward likes to name check "Nixon" and "Watergate" whenever he can, leaning on his long-ago claim to fame, along with Carl Bernstein.  Today on the Morning Joke club for lazy journalists, Woodward took on one of his (and the Beltway media's) favorite targets:  Hillary Clinton.  In a classic exercise of jumping to conclusions and projecting his own desires, he compared Clinton's e-mail "scandal" to the Nixon tapes, which resulted in uncovering impeachable wrongdoing on Nixon's part and led to his resignation:
"It, in a way, reminds me of the Nixon tapes. Thousands of hours of secretly recorded conversations that Nixon thought were exclusively his. ... Hillary Clinton initially took that position: 'I'm not turning this over, there's gonna be no cooperation.' Now they're cooperating. This has to go on a long, long time, and the answers are probably not going to be pretty." (emphasis added)
So he wishes. This was the courtier to the Bush Administration during the run-up to the Iraq war, one of the war's most prominent cheerleaders who took the handouts and statements by the Administration at face value and ran with them.  His credibility within the Beltway village assisted Dumbya and The Dick in selling the war to the public via a supine media, with catastrophic consequences that we're still dealing with.  Of late, Woodward's been at odds with the Obama Administration over his flawed reporting, actually referring to the President as "Nixonian."

So before we listen to Woodward's predictions about Hillary Clinton's e-mails, let's remember that he completely blew the second most important story of his career while he was too busy carrying Bush's water for him.


  1. Thank you!!!

    I flipped when I saw his comment on Huffington Post.

  2. Woodward's credibility "sell by date" has long since passed. Thanks for your comment.
