Friday, August 21, 2015

Republican Family Values, "Just Doing Research" Edition

The executive director of the Louisiana Republican Party has been caught up in the Ashley Madison adultery-facilitating website scandal, according to reports.  Jason DorĂ© told a New Orleans newspaper that his $175.98 tab on the infamous website over two years was for "opposition research," trying to dig up dirt on opponents. Yes, and men only buy Playboy to read the articles.  Bwahahaha.

If there's a Mrs. DorĂ©, we're guessing that Jason's wearing an athletic cup and helmet around the house these days.

BONUS:  We think he bears a faint resemblance to the Ginger Avenger.  It's the "Not Getting Laid Look."

(photo:  What woman wouldn't want to cheat on her husband with this movie star?)


  1. Next step an interview with Faux News where the Liberal Media is too blame for this whole thing (him personally and the hacking in general).

  2. Gene -- Maybe even a permanent slot on Faux News as their resident adultery "research" expert.
