Sunday, August 9, 2015

Rising Tirade Lifts All Shits

(click to enlarge)

The first NBC poll conducted after the Rethuglican "debate" on the Fux "News" Channel spells bad news for the Republican / New Confederate / Stupid Party, but we couldn't be more delighted:

Rump, Tailgunner Ted, and Ben On Meds? are the top three, with Snarly Carly in at number four with 8%.  Nowhere to be found in the top tier?  Establishment favorites J.E.B.!, Koch Head Walker, Just In Kasich, Chris Krispykreme and more.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince "Prepuce" Priebus must be on tranquilizers by now, even though this outcome is just what the Rethuglican base wants:  more unhinged talk, more anger, more delusion, and more entertainment.

(image: screen shot from Meet the Press, via Balloon Juice)