Thursday, August 13, 2015

Scott Walker - Tough On Unions, Soft On Plutocrat Donors

Scourge of union workers and higher education Gov. Scott "Koch Head" Walker (R-Kochland) displeased just about everybody (including purportedly his benefactor Koch brothers) with this sweetheart deal:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) signed legislation Wednesday that commits hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money to a new arena for the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks, a move that could complicate the Republican presidential candidate’s efforts to paint himself as the most ardent small-government conservative in a crowded field.
Walker and state GOP leaders pushed the arena plan for months, especially as the team's owners threatened to move the Bucks to a new market. The deal requires the team's current and former owners to cover half of the arena's $500 million projected cost, while taxpayers will cover the rest -- with interest, the public cost could rise to as much as $400 million
Hmmm.  We wonder where fiscal conservative Walker will find that $250 million- plus of taxpayers money?  Oh, now we remember.

Anyway, he certainly stood up to those owners, didn't he?  Just like he stood up to union workers terrorists.  At least he was unselfishly standing up for the people of Wisconsin Kochland!
Two members of the Bucks' ownership group donated $200,000 to the super PAC backing Walker’s presidential campaign, Bloomberg reported Tuesday.
As the article mentions, some of Walker's supporters on the far right are making noises about their discomfort with the deal, although we suspect any time public money can line the pockets of supporters of right-wing PACs, all will be forgiven.

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