Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Origins Of A Sociopath

In 2014, writer Gabriel Sherman published a biography of Fux "News" chairman Roger "Jabba The Nut" Ailes, titled "The Loudest Voice In The Room," which described part of Ailes' upbringing.  It's a chilling insight into one of the true evil minds in American public life.  We came upon this passage from Sherman's book at No More Mister Nice Blog:
“The cruelest lesson Roger would speak of occurred in the bedroom Roger shared with his brother. Roger was standing on the top bunk. His father opened his arms wide and smiled. ‘Jump, Roger, jump,’ he told him. Roger leapt off the bed into the air toward his arms. But Robert took a step back. His son fell flat onto the floor. As he looked up, [Ailes Sr.] leaned down and picked him up. ‘Don’t ever trust anybody,’ he said.” This bizarre form of sadism was coupled with more traditional varieties --“If they ignored him, he pulled out his belt, whipping them not until they began to cry, although they did wail, but until they fell silent” —and a mother who was alternately controlling and cold. “Roger remembered her hugging him only ‘once in a while.  He speculated to a reporter that perhaps she was scared of his hemophilia.” (emphasis added)
There have been studies over the years about the conservative mindset, indicating a higher level of aggressiveness and desire for order and certainty, a rejection of diversity, and a general lack of empathy with others.  It's not surprising that Ailes' childhood was dysfunctional and cruel, considering what it produced.

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