Monday, August 24, 2015

Today's Tomorrow Cartoon, "Dam" The Facts

(click to enlarge)

Wildfires have cost the lives of firefighters (as we note in the post below) struggling with massive fires in Washington and California.  Climate change is responsible for the years-long drought in California and elsewhere on the west coast that is providing tinder for massive wildfires.  Yet, yesterday viewers of Chuck Todd's poo fling were subjected to nonsense from never-gonna-be-President and corporate job killer Carly "Snarly" Fiorina, who suggested that the fires were made worse by "liberal politicians," who wouldn't build more dams and reservoirs -- we presume to capture the non-existent rain that's not falling into reservoirs that are already dry.  As California Gov. Jerry Brown noted,  
"I've never heard of such utter ignorance. Building a dam won't do a damn thing about fires or climate change or the absence of moisture in the air and ground of California. If they want to run for president, they had better do eigth grade science before they made such utterances."

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