Thursday, August 6, 2015

Tonight's Republican Cattle Show: "Throwback Thursday"

Here's a preemptive video from the Clinton campaign on tonight's Republican seven ten dwarf "debate:"

A nice compilation of the extremists that are the "talent" and "well-qualified" candidates in the top tier of the Republican race.  (Bonus giggles:  Catch the photo of a young Jeb! Bush at around 0:55.  As one might expect, he makes a porn 'stache and long hair look quite lame.)

Sorry, no attention being paid to the seven dwarfs in the consolation "happy hour debate."  LOL.

UPDATE:  Think Progress has 11 lies you're likely to hear at tonight's "Throwback Thursday."  How else to keep the knuckle- dragger base foaming at the mouth?

UPDATE II:  Of course, Andy Borowitz nails it:

Psychologists Urge People With Low Self-Esteem to Watch G.O.P. Debate
By Andy Borowitz
People who view G.O.P. candidates for approximately three minutes report feeling better “right away” about their intelligence.

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