Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Trump To Jorge Ramos: "Go Back To Univision!"

Here's Republican front runner and authoritarian bully Donald "Rump" Trump yesterday in Iowa telling respected Univision journalist Jorge Ramos to "Sit down, sit down" and "Go back to Univision," before having one of his jamokes escort Ramos out of the hall:

Trump:  Making America great again!

BONUS I:  Rump's picked up the endorsement of former KKK Grand Wizard (and Republican State Representative from Louisiana) David Duke, who says,
"...he’s certainly the best of the lot. And he’s certainly somebody that we should get behind in terms, ya know, raising the image of this thing.”
 "We" meaning white supremacists and neo-Nazis, and "this thing" meaning xenophobic racism.

BONUS II:  The New Yorker has a chilling article by Evan Osnos about Rump's raging nativist / neo-Fascist following.  Must read.

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