Saturday, August 1, 2015

Washington Post Reporters Fed Republican Magic Beans, Flatulate Accordingly

Once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle reporters think they've found the magic beans that just might lead Republicans to the White House in 2016:
Following President Obama’s reelection in 2012 — a win powered in part by historic black voter turnout — Republicans launched an aggressive outreach effort aimed at African American voters. Never again, they vowed, would they concede that sort of overwhelming demographic advantage to Democrats.
Now, heading into an election without Obama at the top of the ticket, many Republicans say they are positioned to make inroads with black voters.
Yes, that's been some Republican minority outreach, there!  In what elephant dung fertile soil are these magic beans supposed to sprout?  Why, Republican edumacation reform!  Here's Bush Dynasty scion John Ellis "J.E.B.!" Bush:
“If we don’t create an education system that allows young people to reach [the rungs on the ladder of success], we’re setting them up for a lifetime of failure,” he said. “So you and I have to call this situation what it is: the worst inequality in America today, and the source of so many other inequalities.”
Bush, and his party, think that sort of pitch may resonate with black voters. Some Democrats worry they may be right.
Of course, the "education system" reform Bush and his fellow Republican wingnuts want to create involves busting teacher unions (see:  Walker, "Koch Head" Scott), slashing education spending (again, see:  Walker, "Koch Head" Scott), eliminating Common Core, and pushing vouchers to dilute support for public schools. In other words, "Mississippi." 

Also, "Some Democrats worry they may be right."  Those illusive but oft-quoted "Some Democrats" are, of course, not named or otherwise brought up again in the article.  Why have any countervailing opinions quoted when your thesis is "Democrats in trouble!"?  We will bet these crack reporters that ate up the Republican magic beans that the Democratic nominee (=cough= Hillary Clinton, wife of "the First Black President" =cough=) will have no problem reaching a similar high level of African American support as every Democrat who has run for President in the last 40 years. 

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