Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Cheney Pushing Military Option for Iran. Surprised?

Since war is always the preferred option of the despicable chickenhawk Dick "The Dick" Cheney, he's making the rounds pushing his view that the Iran nuke deal is bad and that we should have threatened Iran with war instead.  Today, he was talking to that neocon bastion, the American Enterprise Institute, where if awareness was gunpowder, they wouldn't have enough to disturb a fly.  The Dick's prescription would be to demand Iran give up literally everything, including their commercial, non-weapons program or face a massive military attack (because that worked so well in Iraq).  Nothing new here.

The Dick has been battling his own psychodrama ever since he and Dumbya missed the clear warning prior to 9-11 that al Qaeda was planning to use commercial jetliners to attack the U.S.  Now, the chickenhawk's butched-up and wants to send the kids of working and middle class families off to another one of his ill-conceived wars, as long as he doesn't have skin in the game (after all, he wasn't called "5 deferment Dick" regarding the Vietnam War for nothing).

Meanwhile, the Dem votes are mounting to ensure that a Rethug vote against the Iran deal can be overridden:  Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Gary Peters (D-MI) have announced that they'll vote for the Iran nuclear deal.


  1. Of course, Dick is pro-war he's never heard a shot fired in anger, unless you count that time he shot his so-called "friend" in the face, on their canned Dove Hunt. But, you would think his daughter Liz would be ashamed of her father's rear-echelon warmongering as her WHOLE existence is due to desperate Dick fathering a child to earn the first of those five deferments.

  2. They've proven time and again that they have no shame, Gene. No honor, no integrity, no decency either.
