Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fiorina: She "Really Was That Bad"

A good read by financier Steve Rattner in the New York Times, reviewing the business credentials of "Snarly" Carly Fiorina, which is, after all, what she's running on:
In 2009, Portfolio magazine ranked her the 19th worst C.E.O. of all time and described her as a “consummate self-promoter” who was “busy pontificating on the lecture circuit and posing for magazine covers while her company floundered.” (That sounds like good preparation for running for president.) [snip]
In a recent essay, Mrs. Fiorina noted that many other successful business leaders — Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney and Michael Bloomberg — were all fired at one point in their careers.
The difference, however, is that all four went on to achieve remarkable business success; Mrs. Fiorina has not held a full-time private sector job since she left H.P. in 2005 — perhaps because no one sought her services.
I certainly recognize that corporate accomplishments are not a prerequisite for a government perch. Indeed, many chief executives fail when they move from the command-and-control business environment to Washington, where consensus-building is a necessity.
However, the lack of public service or sustained business success makes Mrs. Fiorina unqualified for the nation’s highest office.
Rattner briefly mentions Snarly's only other foray into politics, her disastrous (for her) Senate race against Barbara Boxer in the very Republican year of 2010.  (We do have one enduring memory of that race:  her amateurish, risible "demon sheep" ad.)  

Let's pause to remember the only reason she's standing on the stage:  the Republican good ol' boys need to have her there to attack Hillary Clinton without the charge of sexism being raised, a role this "consummate self- promoter" is only too happy to play.

BONUS:  Drew Harwell and Danielle Paquette have a front- page article in the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle on "Fiorina's Divisive Legacy," that punctures her lies about her tenure at Hewlett-Packard with the testimony of those who worked closely with her, as well as with those damning metrics of success/ failure.

BONUS II:  The once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle editorial board also lashes Snarly's "falsehoods" and "blithe ignorance."   Now watch her rise in the Republican polls.

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