Thursday, September 10, 2015

Freedumb! Of the Press

It's always chilling when you see the so-called "mainstream media" bowing to right-wing pressure.  Case in point, New Orleans' station  firing a reporter that had the temerity, the audacity!, to fire a reporter that asked DC Madam-frequenter Sen. David "Diapers" Vitter whether he was still using the services of a prostitute. Vitter, as we recall, was a prominent client of the notorious D.C. Madam, who was partial to wearing diapers during his sexual escapades (well done, voters of Louisiana!).

In their never-ending quest to be oh-so-evenhanded, the broken media will avoid mention of egregious, hypocritical conduct by the right wing, and will go to the lengths of firing a reporter who dares, DARES!, to question the elected pol who has violated the public trust.  Shame on them. Shame.

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