Wednesday, September 30, 2015

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: "The Pope Met The Dope" * (Updated)

As the glow from Pope Francis' visit last week to the United States lingers, here's a little reminder that even he can be snookered by a hypocritical, phony martyr:
After doubts were raised about a claim from Kim Davis' legal team that Pope Francis and the Kentucky clerk met secretly during his visit to the U.S., the Vatican confirmed to The New York Times the meeting did indeed happen.
Hoo-boy, that glow sure disappeared fast!

We don't live in a theocracy (yet).  Her job is to obey the law and issue marriage licenses, not to make moral judgements and discriminate based on those judgements.  She's free to do the latter on her own, non- taxpayer- funded time. 

We'd love to know the identity of the  Republican "church official" who arranged this meeting.  Likely a dead- ender from the Obamacare contraception wars.  Only the most reactionary bead- fondler would think this would be a good idea.  It certainly does the Pope and his glacially- evolving Church no good to be connected with this bigot and the persons who arranged this confab.

"Who am I to judge" indeed.  Awful, awful.

BONUS:  Michaelangelo Signorile on the Pope's cowardly coddling of a bigot.

BONUS II:  Charles Pierce has some significant background on the events here.

*h/t Huffington Post

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