Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tea Baggers Showered In Fairy Dust and BS

Yesterday, a meager crowd of couple of hundred teabaggers came to the Capitol lawn to listen to the likes of blowhard braggart Donald "Rump" Trump, slimy demagogue Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz and other clowns bash the Iran nuclear agreement, which is now a done deal with 42 Dem Senators supporting it.  The rhetoric was apocalyptic and overblown, and, of course, out of synch with reality  (Rump's "We lose everywhere, we lose militarily, we can't beat ISIS, give me a break. We can't beat anybody", and Tailgunner Ted's "Any commander-in-chief worthy of defending this nation should be prepared to stand up on Jan. 20, 2017, and rip to shreds this catastrophic deal").  Not to be outdone, aging teabagger pin-up girl and full-time grifter Sarah "Winky" Palin appeared to speak in tongues (or crystal meth) to the gathered rubes when she launched into a garbled tirade:
“Only in an Orwellian Obama world full of sprinkly fairy dust blown from atop a unicorn as he’s peeking through a really pretty pink kaleidoscope would he ever see victory or safety for America or Israel in this treaty.”
What's Winky been smoking up there in Alaska?  Certainly not salmon.  They even had reality TV star and millionaire dress up "redneck" Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson there as their nuclear non-proliferation policy expert.

A right-wing rally is not complete without using a popular song as a theme without the approval of the artists, who almost always object to their vile, intolerant right-wing message.  Yesterday, they played R.E.M.'s classic "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" prior to Rump and Cruz mounting the stage, but R.E.M.'s founder and lead singer Michael Stipe later had the last word:
"Go fuck yourselves, the lot of you—you sad, attention-grabbing, power-hungry little men. Do not use our music or my voice for your moronic charade of a campaign."

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