Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Today's Cartoon - The Quest For The Hillary Clinton Holy E-Grail

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(Tom Toles, once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle)

Among the Republicans' most active co-conspirators in the campaign to take down Hillary Clinton is the "liberal" once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle (another being the also "liberal" New York Times).  While both papers' editorial boards eventually might endorse a Democrat, or progressive policies, their reporting staffs are definitely Republican- wired, and when it comes to Hillary Clinton, their wires are always over- heating:
[Charles Pierce] Take, for example, this Washington Post story about Tuesday's e-mail dump. Right from the headline, you know you've entered the universe operating by the Clinton rules.
"Clinton, using private server, wrote and sent e-mails now deemed classified"
[Charles Pierce] And the sensible among us ask, OK, so what? Some clerk in the intelligence community, for reasons that may involve a simple turf war, has classified something ex post facto that was not classified when HRC was handling it. Maybe some schmuck at a cubicle in Langley is doing some discreet ratfcking. Maybe the intelligence community is simply an irredeemable clusterfck. (That's where my money is.) In any case, this is a headline about nothing.
"Although government officials deemed the e-mails classified after Clinton left office…"
[Charles Pierce] OK, so there's no story here. Let's all get a beer.
"… they could complicate her efforts to move beyond the political fallout from the controversy."
[Charles Pierce] They "could" do that. Since there is now a lucrative cottage industry dedicated to "complicating" HRC's campaign, I'd say it was likely. Hell, there are people who would use what her grandmother had for lunch one day in 1933 to "complicate" her efforts. There is no news here.
Keep in mind the Bezos Bugle and the Times both took a plunge into Clinton Conspiracy Crackpottery when they made a deal with right wing rube fleecer Peter Schweizer, to take excerpts from his debunked "expose" of the Clintons, "Clinton Cash."  The only money trail the sleuthing reporters found in that exercise was the trail leading from the bank accounts of the Bugle and Times back to Schweizer's pocket.   Rubes fleeced;  Mission Accomplished.

So. Must. Find. Something.  We're sure with the help of their Republican "sources," these intrepid tribunes of the people will come up with a lot of bogus trash and non-news in the next year.  All the swill that's unfit to print.

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