Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bibi Bomb Bomb's Latest Incitement

If anyone needed any further evidence of Likudnik Israeli Prime Minister Bibi "Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu's deep hatred of the Palestinians, he supplied it yesterday in a speech to the Zionist Congress.  In his speech, Bomb Bomb engaged in some revisionist history when he accused the then Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, of convincing Adolph Hitler to exterminate the Jews in Europe, rather than just expel them.  From Reuters:
"Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews," Netanyahu said in the speech. "And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they'll all come here (Palestine).'

"'So what should I do with them?'" Netanyahu said Hitler asked the mufti, who responded: "Burn them."
Reaction to Bomb Bomb's false history was swift, including from Dina Porat, the chief historian at Yad Vashem, the Jewish Holocaust Memorial in Israel:
"To say that the mufti was the first to mention to Hitler the idea to kill or burn the Jews is not correct. The idea to rid the world of the Jews was a central theme in Hitler's ideology a long, long time before he met the mufti."
Indeed, Hitler announced his genocidal plan to the Reichstag in 1939;  the Mufti met with Hitler in Berlin in November 1941. It should be acknowledged that while the Mufti's primary antagonism was toward the British colonialists, he was a notorious anti-Semite who helped recruit Muslims in the Balkans for the Waffen SS. But seeming to absolve Hitler of his enormous crime?  Even Bomb Bomb's ally and Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon spoke out against that:
"It certainly wasn't (Husseini) who invented the Final Solution," he told Israel's Army Radio. "That was the evil brainchild of Hitler himself."
This is the extremist Prime Minister that President Obama has to deal with on U.S. - Israeli relations.

BONUS:  Israeli Knesset member Zehava Galon reminds Bibi Bomb Bomb,
“Perhaps we should exhume the corpses of the 33,771 Jews murdered in Babi Yar [in Ukraine] in September 1941, two months before the Mufti and Hitler met, and bring them up to speed on the fact that the Nazis had no intention of destroying them.”

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