Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Department of Just Desserts, Koch Division

After the election of President Obama, the far-right began a campaign to destroy his Presidency under the guise of curbing Government spending.  Referring to themselves as the Tea Party, they engaged in some of the most radical (and racist) rhetoric against the first African American President and his efforts to revive the economy after 8 years of Rethuglican mismanagement.  Behind the so-called tea party movement was the enormous wealth of the far-right Koch brothers and their political front organizations, "Americans for Prosperity," and "Freedom Works." When Rethuglican politicians weren't radical enough, they were "primaried" by tea partiers starting in the off-year elections of 2010.  Whether they succeeded in either winning seats or in influencing incumbents, the tea baggers shifted what was already a right-wing Republican Party even further to the right in successive elections.

Now, one of the notorious brothers, Charles Koch, is lamenting in a Wall Street Journal profile that the far right movement that they created has become uncivil and lacking in substance (and, of greatest importance to the manipulative Kochs, unelectable).  The tea bagger obstructionists that they helped elect to Congress are wreaking havoc on the "establishment" Rethuglicans and have emboldened a radical, no compromise, shut-the-Government-down bloc of voters that support the likes of narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump and Ben "On Meds?" Carson (indeed, Rump's campaign manager is a product of "Americans for Prosperity").  Now, with their hundreds of millions of big-polluter dollars ready to buy viable Rethug candidates, the Koch brothers are nervous that their own pet political project has spun out of control and threatens to wreck the Rethuglican / New Confederate / Stupid Party's chances at the ballot box.  Aww, so sad.


  1. Silver Spring Bureau ChiefOctober 28, 2015 at 11:52:00 AM EDT

    It's interesting because it's as though they miscalculated how stupid/crazy the GOP base is. They were hoping that it was just stupid/crazy enough to dupe enough people and get the right people in power (e.g., Walker), when in fact it was so stupid/crazy that someone like Trump could become the front-runner.

  2. The best explanation is that they're as stupid/crazy as the people they've been hustling. They just have a lot more money.
