Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Letters We Wish We'd Written - "He Kept Us Safe" Dept.

In today's once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle:
Would that there was a WASPish equivalent for the Yiddish word “chutzpah.” That term would nicely apply to Jeb Bush’s grossly tone-deaf claim that his brother George W. Bush “kept us safe” during the course of his presidency. The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Hurricane Katrina and the 2008 financial crisis were the most destructive and harrowing assaults on U.S. domestic security since World War II. The Bush administration’s ineptness in each inflicted unprecedented levels of peril and loss on this country.
Perhaps the privileged dynast Jeb Bush felt safe during those times, but many Americans paid huge costs in blood and property and a sense of security. Anybody and everybody running against Mr. Bush for the GOP presidential nomination should make him convince us that he is, unlike his brother, someone we can trust with the security and well-being of our families.
Jon S. Ketzner, Cumberland, Md.
With all due respect, we don't think "J.E.B.!" will ever convince us that he's "someone we can trust with the security and well-being of our families."

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