Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Media Thinks Policy-Oriented Democratic Debate Would Be Bor-ing!

Our lowest- common- denominator media:
So far, the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination has focused on exciting issues like the merits of Carly Fiorina’s face, the height of the new wall between the United States and Mexico, and whether the Jews were responsible for the Holocaust.
The Democratic debate scheduled for Tuesday night, meanwhile, is expected focus on issues like climate change, criminal justice reform, and zzzzzzzzzzz…
Major media outlets would like you to know that it will probably be a snooze-fest.
The media don't want no stinkin' issues!  The media wants fireworks!  Attacks!  Burns!  Who's up, who's down!  Drive those ratings!

Is there any doubt we have a largely ignorant political culture because we have a media like this?

(Image:  This fella would like a little poo flinging, please!)

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