Saturday, October 24, 2015

President Obama Does Grumpy Cat

For anyone not familiar with "Grumpy Cat," a.k.a. Tardar Sauce, she's a long-running internet star with a Facebook page with over 7 million likes:

Now, here's President Obama at yesterday's Democratic Women's Leadership Forum doing his best "Republicans are like Grumpy Cat" imitation:

We would offer that a better depiction of Republicans would be the character of "Taz," the Looney Tunes Tasmanian devil, who's described thusly:
..."a ferocious albeit dim-witted omnivore with a notoriously short temper and little patience. His enormous appetite seems to know no bounds, as he will eat anything in his path. He is best known for his speech consisting mostly of grunts, growls, and rasps (in his earlier appearances, he does speak English with primitive grammar) as well as his ability to spin like a vortex and bite through just about anything."

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