One of the rancid falsehoods peddled by Rethuglicans is that former Preznit George "Dumbya" Bush "kept us safe" from terrorists. Perhaps that's because their base thinks that Dumbya became President after the 9-11 terrorist attacks. Dumbya's younger brother, John Ellis "J.E.B.!" Bush would certainly like to perpetuate that lie.
Now, some of Dumbya's co-conspirators are speaking out about the former President's dereliction in ignoring the intelligence warnings leading up to 9-11. Former CIA Director George Tenet is acknowledging that Dumbya and his crew ignored repeated warnings about al Qaeda's intent to strike inside the U.S. in the months leading up to 9-11,with the "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." memo of August 6, 2001 being the most famous. The former Director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center Cofer Black recounts that he gave an impassioned, desk-pounding briefing to Dumbya's National Security Advisor Condoleeza "Gesundheit" Rice two months before the attack, and nothing happened:
“To me it remains incomprehensible still. I mean, how is it that you could warn senior people so many times and nothing actually happened? It’s kind of like The Twilight Zone.”More like the Keystone Cops. This pre-9-11 saga has been one of the most egregious examples of dereliction and of avoiding responsibility -- and indeed, avoiding the consequences -- for the biggest national security failing in our history. Imagine if President Obama had been in charge; the Rethugs would have launched impeachment proceedings immediately, and every right wing media outlet, and some in the corporate media, would have been accusing him of treason and murder.
(photo: Dumbya holding a copy of "My Pet Goat" upon hearing of the 9-11 attacks)
The best that can be said is that he protects us from a SECOND attack. The first attack? Not so much. Bush holds the record for terrorist attack deaths. That is hardly protecting us! What a dumbshit. It must run on the family.
ReplyDeleteISIS is the unholy love child of W(orst) and Dick "So?" Cheney's Iraq War crime and deliberate indifference to the months of warnings prior to 9/11.