Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Iraq War's Master of Deceit Dies

Ahmed Chalabi, one of the shadowy and sinister figures behind the invasion of Iraq in 2003 has died. Chalabi, an Iraqi Shiite and an implacable enemy of Saddam Hussein and Iraq's Sunnis, fed a willing and eager Bush Assministration with false intelligence about Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction. During his time in exile in the U.S., Chalabi cultivated ties with the neoconservative community, prominently former (Vice) President Dick "The Dick" Cheney, who, along with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, pushed for the invasion of a country that was not involved in the 9-11 attack and which did not possess WMD (but was a threat to Israel…oops, gave away the game).  As a result of Chalabi's collaboration with the neocons, thousands of American military were killed or wounded, along with hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.  Later disclosures of Chalabi's close ties with Iran further questioned his motivations.


  1. 1 War Criminal Down at least 3 (Worst Potus, Dick and Bush's lapdog) to go...

  2. Sadly, more likely to be the Grim Reaper than The Hague.
