When questioned about the focus on Dr. Ben "Mental Ben" Carson's increasingly disturbing accounts of his life story (which is all he has to run on) and Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio's history of credit card abuse and fiscal mismanagement, Republicans have the same answer: Look over there, at Hillary!!!
Here's emptiest suit in American politics Reince Priebus on this morning's Today Show looking like he's about to pass a large, jagged stone when asked about the Scariest Republican Crackpot and "Glug Glug:"
Here's hate radio host and
Well, to quote Dr. Kissinger, it has the additional benefit of being true. Like what he had as an objection to this week, is there were four scandals, but only two were reported. Marco Rubio does not have a scandal. Ben Carson does not have a scandal. Hillary, however, had her non-disclosure agreement revealed by Lachlan Markay, Washington Free Beacon.
And Reuters obtained a letter from the Teneo Group refusing to answer any questions about Hillary Clinton. So there were four scandals, two of them were real, involving Hillary Clinton. They were not reported. One, about Ben Carson, West Point, not a scandal, heavily media. And the one about Marco Rubio was all puff.Mmmhmm. You keep telling yourselves that. Anyway, good to see the talking points are getting out in a timely manner.
You can cut the desperation with Ben Carson's knife.
BONUS: More "liberal media" (in the form of Chris "Krispykreme" Christie and Mike "Huckster" Huckabee) going after Mental Ben.
BONUS II: Watch more "liberal media" go after Manboobs for his hackery.
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