Friday, November 20, 2015

Rump's Nazi-Inspired Database

In Nazi Germany and in countries that they occupied, Jews were infamously made to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing so that they could be easily identified. Yesterday, the vulgarian that's driving the Rethuglican Presidential clown bus, Donald "Rump" Trump, proposed a Government data base to "register" and track all Muslims here in the U.S.  He went on to say that we need "lots of systems" to keep tabs on Muslim Americans, and that their participation would be mandatory. When asked by a reporter how his proposal was different from the treatment of Jews in Germany, Rump kept repeating "you tell me." Rump had previously suggested that mosques may have to be closed in reaction to last week's attacks in Paris. So much for freedom of religion, and several other guarantees under the Bill of Rights.

Rump's poll numbers among the rabid right have been climbing, and these bigoted, neo-Fascist remarks certainly won't hurt him there;  indeed, they're likely to force his competitors to one-up the extremist rhetoric. (Note that while sinking candidate and House of Bush prince John Ellis "J.E.B.!" Bush criticized Rump, he only wants to accept refugees who could "prove" they're Christian). Among many sane critics of Rump, Rabbi Jack Moline of the Interfaith Alliance is having none of it:
"My father was in World War II, and he fought to preserve America against what the Nazis were doing. This is exactly why there is an America, to not be like that."
That's a concept that is completely lost on Rump and his followers. Remember that just recently, 43% of Rethugs said they could support a military coup against the Government.  It's gotten that bad in the fever swamps of the right.

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