Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday Funnies: "Mental" Ben

(click to enlarge)

With growing evidence that he fabricated a good chunk of his biography, and with his nutty views on everything from the Pyramids being built for grain storage and that arming Jews would have saved them from the Holocaust, wingnut Ben "On Meds?" Carson is demonstrating why he's unelectable and utterly unprepared for office….but perfect for the Rethuglican base.

BONUS:  Dave Weigel's article this morning illuminates why Carson's snake oil pitchman shtick is so common with the other grifters of the right (hint: the right- wing base is comprised of gullible rubes).

BONUS IILOL Andy Borowitz:
Presidential candidate Ben Carson has issued a dire warning that President Obama’s cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline has left the United States with “virtually no place to store grain.”
Without the massive pipeline, Carson told Fox News, the nation’s network of silos is woefully inadequate “to store the bounty of grain that we soweth.”
Carson said that as President, he would seek additional places to store grain, such as “the hollowed-out heads on Mt. Rushmore.”
(Or "Mental" Ben's hollowed-out head!)

(cartoons:  top, Steve Benson, Arizona Republic, bottom, Tom Toles, WaPo)

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