Sunday, November 29, 2015

Tweet Of The Day - Republicans Still Demagoguing On Planned Parenthood

When they finally do come out of their holes to say anything, it's just to repeat vicious lies.

UPDATEAnd make up a few more hateful, despicable ones.


  1. A Police Officer,an Iraq War Veteran, and a 36 year old mother of 2.

    Republicans don't care about the identities of those their conservative domestic terrorists kill, as long as the message is sent to the Nation that those who don't bow down to Corporate Hegemony and Right-Wing Oppression can be killed by any number of lone wolves whom the Republican Party breeds and keeps on a short leash ready to sic on liberals, women, blacks, homosexuals.

  2. If "guns don't kill people," and right- wing domestic terrorists don't kill people, who's responsible for all these bodies piling up? (rhetorical question)

    Thanks, Gene.
