Sunday, November 15, 2015

Unlimited Chances Quote of the Day

Well, the cool thing about putting your faith in God is he certainly is a God of second chances and third and fourth and fifth chances.” -- full time grifter and favorite of hypocritical Bible thumpers Sarah "Winky" Palin, in an interview with CBS' Sunday Morning, talking about daughter Bristol's second out of wedlock pregnancy. For a "family values" scold, Winky is certainly cavalier about her daughter's tendency to get knocked up before getting married, something she'd be screeching about if it were, say, one of the Obama girls, right? Luckily for this country, Winky had her chance, and lost in 2008. As far as Bristol's concerned, will a third (or fourth or fifth) time be a charm?

(photo:  Lay off the Big Gulps and put your daughter on the pill.)

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