Monday, November 16, 2015

Washington Post Reporters Observe Clinton "Gaffes" As Provided By Republican Spinmeisters

The once great Washington Post's Bezos Bugle's Clinton hit squad is back on her trail, parsing her comments at the recent Democratic debates and declaring some to be "gaffes."  What did they detect?
First, she and other Democrats on the stage refused to say the words “radical Islam,” another moment immediately seized upon by Republicans.
Horrors!  She failed to use the well- advised Republican incantation words that have worked so well for us since 9/11 and the bungle into Iraq (which the neo- con Bezos Bugle cheered on, of course)!  What other campaign- ending "gaffe" did their news hounding uncover?
Finally, as the debate came to a close, Clinton delivered the made-for-TV sound bite about the ’60s, pegging herself as the opposite of the fresh face that many voters are looking for.
Oh, so she revealed she was alive in the 60's!  We wouldn't have known that otherwise.  Thanks for the tip!  Then, they ask Republican and Koch brothers re-branding stooge Frank "Dunce" Luntz (born 1962) his valuable opinion:
By Sunday morning, conservative Web sites had assembled multiple competing videos of the 1960s remark, their only disagreement coming over whether to add a clip from “Back to the Future” or a lava lamp. “I can guarantee that this will appear in some ad at some point,” said pollster Frank Luntz. “Nobody, Republican or Democrat, wants to vote for a candidate from the 1960s when we’re well into the 21st century."
We wonder if Luntz delivered his talking points to the reporters verbally or in crayon.

Well, if all a voter is looking for is a "fresh face," the Republicans have lots of those:  Dr. "Mental Ben" Carson, business visionary "Snarly" Carly Fiorina, Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio (R-AWOL).  Indeed, those are "fresh faces" with not much behind the faces.  Hey, why vote for a candidate from the 1960's when you can vote for a candidate from the 1860's like any of the Republicans in the clown car bus?

ISIS?  Boots on the ground!

Economic progressSee post below.

Livable wage?  Job killer!

Climate change?  Doesn't exist.

Women's rights?  It's a man's world!

Evolution?  Satan's work.

Immigration reform?  Deport 15 million people and build a wall.

LGBT rights?  Pray away the gay!

Yes, this is clearly a party looking bravely at the 21st century...  and running away from it as fast as possible.  Thanks for pointing that out, Bezos Bugle Clinton hit squad!  (Oh, wait, you didn't.)

"Liberal media" my ass.

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